Freedom Fry

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Thursday, February 03, 2005

It's Our Doody

9:54 AM

Yes it is indeed: Our duty to reform Social Security and tow the line, despite the—surprise!—lack of evidence indicating that what Bush proposes is the panacea for Social Security's eventual problems. While I'm sure most Americans will agree that Social Security does need a fixin' [Misha's note: Although not everyone is convinced of it: view this article], the gross exaggeration used by Bush and Cheney about the current state of affairs seems to follow the same old pattern of scare-the-bejeezus-out-of-them tactics employed in his last State of the Union address.

Here's a article on some of the truths about Social Security.

And since the State of the Union address is all you're going to hear about (and how confident Bush was, and how he glowed with the will of the people—he was glowing alright, but not from the will of the people) here's a more realistic take on it. I call it the Flip-Flopper's State of the Union Address....


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